On August 31, 2019, Tangshan Worldwide Ship Equipment Co., Ltd. carried out the first session of training for “Ship Exhaust Gas Cleaning System” for crew members from Huayang Maritime Center. 14 Chief Engineers and 6 Superintendent engineers attended the training.
The training mainly includes three aspects:
The requirements of the IMO, flag state, port state and MARPOL Annex VI;
The main components of the exhaust gas cleaning system, operation, routine maintenance, calibration of monitoring equipment and common faults;
Explain the function of scrubber components and operation of EGCS on site.
This training is the first session in China for the crew members by the exhaust gas cleaning system manufacturers. The crew members have mastered the requirements for 2020 ship exhaust emission, the composition of scrubbers, the operation procedures and maintenance. It aimed to enhance the knowledge and promote Chinese crew to enter the international crewing market.
For many ship owners, the installation of ship exhaust gas cleaning system is a "once and for all" measure according to IMO MEPC 259 (68) "EGCS guidelines 2015". In order to implement the article 14 of annex VI of MARPOL convention. And EGCS is economical, reliable, applicable and environmentally friendlyTangshan Worldwide Ship Equipment stated.
The components of EGCS have been introduced stay in the workshop. Almost all of crew members operate EGCS with Open Loop and Hybrid models.
In the final stage of the training, Wu Qinglin, the general manager of Tangshan Worldwide Ship Equipment Co., Ltd., and Shen Changlei, the Chief Engineer of Huayang Maritime Center, jointly issued certificates of completion to all the crew who participated in the training.
Since then, the first session training of “Ship Exhaust Gas Cleaning System” was successfully completed.
Credit: Tangshan Worldwide Ship Equipment