PMSC Licensing Up and Running in Germany


The German Parliament has approved new legislation on the employment of private maritime security companies (PMSC) on German-flagged vessels. The requirements are mainly based on the IMO MSC 1/Circ.1405/Rev. 2 of 25.05.2012 and MSC 1/Circ.1443 of 25.05.2012 but the German legislator added some further requirements for good measure.

The licensing authority is the German Federal Trade and Export Control Agency (BAFA). The licensing system is two-fold and encompasses a business license and a firearms license.

The documents to be submitted to BAFA include mandatory management self-assessment on competency to provide security services; certificate of good conduct issued by authorities equivalent to German governmental authorities; certificate of liability insurance; an annual training concept on various topics, including a 40-hour training plan covering German and international legislation pertinent to armed guard services; and the appointment of an individual for legal services to the company and its personnel upon request.

For the firearms license, the documents to be submitted to the firearms licensing department of the City of Hamburg include the business license; certificates of good conduct issued by authorities equivalent to German governmental authorities; contracts of employment; evidence of fire arms handling competency, and proof of secure storage of firearms on board the respective vessels.

Source from : Dabelstein & Passehl