The shipping industry is vital to Denmark


Statistics of Denmark’s new report “Denmark’s Foreign Economy 2013″ has just been published, and it shows that shipping is by far the most important of the main trading activity in Denmark. Shipping is 20 percent of the total Danish exports.

“Shipping is helping to tie the globe together by providing a cheap and effective exchange of merchandise for the benefit of all. Furthermore, shipping is important for Danish employment and economy and seems to be even more important in the coming years,” says Anne H. Steffensen, managin director of the Danish Shipowners Association.

The report shows that maritime transport in 2013 accounted for 50.6 percent of Danish exports of services and thus far more than other service groups. Total export shipping services for 201 billion kroner in 2013, a record. However, it appears to be surpassed in 2014, despite the low freight rates and a weak dollar in the first half.

Danish shipping companies are transporting 10 percent of world trade and shipping account for 20 percent of total Danish exports.

Source from : Danish Shipowners Association / Maritime Denmark