Drinking Alcohol at Sea Banned: Party’s over for the Canadian Navy.


Cheers & a Merry Christmas from the Canadian Navy to Sailors around the World.

The Canadian Navy recently imposed a new regulation banning Canadian sailors from drinking while at sea. Recently a Canadian Destroyer was recalled to port from an International Exercise because several members of the crew were drunk and unfit for duty. Hearing stories about drunken sailors may seem like nothing big, but the Canadian navy is trying to clean up it’s imagine.

Before the new regulations took effect Canadian sailors had been allowed to drink alcohol as long as they were not on duty. According to new the new regulations, sailors will only be able to drink alcohol on special occasions such as Christmas, or if they are given special permission to drink alcohol by the captain.

Onboard most Canadian vessels there were beer vending machines where the sailors could pop in a couple coins after their shift is over, and enjoy a bottle of cold beer in their bunk. But now the new regulations do not allow beer vending machines, and the alcohol in the bars on board the vessel will be subject to a drastic price hike in order to “price out” the sailor’s ability to binge drink regularly.

Alcohol will still be allowed in rare cases while ships are at Sea, said Vice Admiral Mark Norman. “Unfortunately there have been too many incidents in the past where alcohol has led to misconduct and serious mistakes onboard the vessel, now we need to be serious about regulating alcohol consumption onboard the vessel.”

Canadian Sailors enjoying some beers & laughs while off duty...

During a Canadian-U.S.A Joint Naval exercise last year Admiral Norman was forced to order a Canadian destroyer back to the Canadian Waters after several Canadian sailors were arrested for shoplifting and public intoxication while they were on shore leave in a U.S. port.

“The sailors inability to control them selves while drinking onboard or on shore leave has been a concern among the navy’s top brass for awhile now. “Said Admiral Norman

The Admiral was confident the drinking ban would not hurt morale among the sailors. The sailors realize they need to be in control of themselves, and their actions. This is dangerous business out at seas; this is no place for people being drunk when split second decisions can mean the difference between life and death.

After much deliberation, we have decided to model our policies after those of the Australian & New Zealand Navy’s who have a much stricter stance on alcohol consumption while aboard.

Still, our rules and attitudes towards alcohol consumption while onboard the vessels will still be relatively relaxed when compared to the United States Navy which operates a completely Dry Navy with a zero tolerance attitude towards alcohol consumption while onboard the vessel.

Questions / Comments? Contact: Mark@cmaritime.com.cn

Source from : CNSS