再看下缺陷,秦皇岛PSCO在9月1日滞留的EMC FIRST(9982665)有一项缺陷是Fire drills,因此今年CIC的第一艘滞留应该发生在秦皇岛!
The escape way from the mooring rope store found obstructed and not marked.
The emergency escape trunk ladder is not fixed in such a way that heat is not transferable into the enclosure through non insulated fixing point.
50% of emergency lights in several location inoperative
Fire protection A-class self-closing door leading to Engine room found out of order Air-lock.
Self-closing Class A fire door to enter ER is completely misaligned in the central part of the frame.
Some outside manual call point was poor condition.
Four out of six fire detectors were faulty.
Fire detection alarm system (Monitor panel sound of alarm) –Malfunction.
The ventilator of steering gear room can not be closed.
Cargo hold Mech. Ventilator deformed and cracked seriously.
No.1 E/R ventilator fire damper unable to close by remote and local control.
Emergency fire pump does not work.
Emergency fire pump is defective.
Machinery spaces/quick closing valve for FO starboard found seized during operational test at time of inspection.
The isolation valve for No.3 A/E inlet fuel oil pipe is unable to be closed from the remote control station.
The isolation valve is malfunction which is evidenced by a large amount of water spraying out from the E/R fire hydrant.
Fire main isolation valve in foam room found unable to fully isolate during operational test.
Fire main isolating valve inoperative.
A crew member entered the fire area with a fire extinguisher and without any protection.
Some crew members demonstrate lack of familiarity in their duties(ventilation not closed, no electrical isolation, one air bottle with insufficient pressure)
1.机舱逃生通道被阻挡(Obstacles on escape route)
2.应急灯不亮(Emergency lighting is not operational)
3.A60防火门错装成A15(Wrong Door Fire class(Required:A-60, Actual: A-15))
4.自闭装置故障(Self-closing arrangement out of order)
5.防火门关不严(Not closed properly)
6.自闭防火门被绳子固定(Self-closing fire door in open position by means of rope)
7.火灾探测与报警控制面板故障(Fire detection system is not in normal condition)
8.火灾探测系统故障,不能触发报警(Installed on/off switch on Fire detection system)
9.火灾探测器被缠胶带(Fixed Fire detector with taping)
10.风机关不严(Ventilation closing appliances was Not fully closed)
11.百叶窗关不严(Funnel damper was Not fully closed)
12.风机洞穿(Hole on ventilation cover)
13.风机关闭装置腐蚀严重(Corroded ventilation closing appliances)
14.压力表故障(Malfunctioned gauge)
15.消防管线泄露(Leaking of the fire main pipeline)
16.消防管线洞穿,做了临时修理(Taping on holed fire main pipeline)
17.风机关闭气缸故障(Malfunction of E/R fan damper cylinder)
18.速闭阀被木头堵住,无法自闭(Wooden wedge preventing the valve to be closed)
19.速闭阀被螺栓堵住,无法自闭(Steel bolt preventing the valve to be closed)
20.二氧化碳管线有裂纹(Damaged flexible hose)
21. 二氧化碳管线断裂(Disconnected Fixed CO2 piepeline in two Cargo hold)
22.二氧化碳开启管线没有连接(Not connected starting air pipe for CO2)
23.隔离阀故障,无法操作( Not operational isolating valve)
24.隔离阀位置不当(位于主甲板以下),导致无法将甲板和机舱的消防水系统隔离开(Inappropriate position of isolating valve which blocks water to fire main on deck)
25.消防员手套防火层破裂(Damaged protective Glove of Fire-fighter’s outfit)
26.空气瓶漏气(Leakage from air bottle)
27.应急消防泵轴封泄露(Leakage from the gland packing of emergency fire pump)