

Commodore研究及咨询机构已经预见有相当数量的船舶将在今年交付,但这和很多分析家之前预测的不一样。 除此之外,尽管有大量新船交付,干散货运价仍会高于收支平衡成本,船东们仍然能够获得可观的利润。 我们期待这一切将会继续。


市场夸大了新船交付的数量。 交通拥堵也滞留了很多船只。此外,现在船舶运输货物的距离比以前增加了(例子就是更多的电煤来自哥伦比亚)。


关于需求,Commodore研究及咨询机构已经预见租船业务在年底依然活跃,并将持续到2011年。世界已经在很大程度上从金融危机中恢复过来了。目前,由于“千年极寒”,欧洲的电煤需求非常旺盛,并且会一直持续到明年1月和2月份。 更重要的是,中国经济依然非常强劲,并且继续增长。 铁矿石和钢铁的需求仍会保持旺盛。


With 2011 about to begin, the biggest questions in the industry are "How badly will new vessel deliveries affect dry bulk rates?" and "Will cargo demand continue to grow?" 


Commodore Research & Consultancy has seen a very large amount of vessels delivered to the market this year but nowhere near as many as some analysts previously predicted.  In addition, despite the vessels delivered, dry bulk rates have still remained well above break-even costs and owners are able to make good profits.  We expect that this will continue.

The market has exaggerated how many vessels will be delivered.  Congestion has also tied up many vessels.  In addition, vessels now travel further distances to carry cargo (example is more thermal coal cargoes from Colombia).

Regarding demand, Commodore Research & Consultancy has seen chartering activity remain at strong levels during the end of this year and this will likely continue into 2011.  The world has recovered greatly from the global recession.  At the moment, European thermal coal demand is robust due to winter demand.  This will continue into January and February.  More importantly, the Chinese economy remains very strong and will continue to grow.  Chinese thermal coal imports will stay robust as the nation continues to prosper.  Iron ore and steel demand will remain strong as well.




