




第一条 各缔约国应个别地或集体地促进对海洋环境污染的一切来源进行有效的控制,并特别保证采取一切切实可行的步骤,防止为倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋,因为这些物质可能危害人类健康,损害生物资源和海洋生物,破坏娱乐设施,或妨碍对海洋的其他合法利用。

第二条 各缔约国应按照下列条款的规定,依其科学、技术及经济的能力,个别地和集体地采取有效措施,以防止因倾倒而造成的海洋污染,并在这方面协调其政策。

第三条 为本公约的目的:














第四条 (一)按照本公约规定,各缔约国应禁止倾倒任何形式和状态的任何废物或其他物质,除非以下另有规定:






第五条 (一)在恶劣天气引起不可抗力的情况下,或对人命构成危险或对船舶、航空器、平台或其他海上人工构筑物构成实际威胁的任何情况下,当保证人命安全或船舶、航空器、平台或其他海上构筑物的安全确有必要时,如果倾倒是防止威胁的唯一办法,并确信倾倒所造成的损失将小于用其他办法而招致的损失,则不适用第四条的规定。进行这类倾倒活动应尽量减少对人类及海洋生物的损害,并应立即向该“机构”报告。



第六条 (一)每一缔约国应指定一个或数个适当的机关,以执行下列事项:










第七条 (一)每一缔约国应将为实施本公约所必要的措施应用于:








第八条 为促进本公约各项目标的实现,对于保护某一特定地理区域的海洋环境有共同利益的各缔约国,应考虑到特定区域的特征,尽力达成与本公约一致的防止污染(特别是倾倒造成的污染)的区域协定。本公约各缔约国应尽力按这类区域协定的目标及规定行事,该“机构”应将这类协定通知各缔约国。本公约各缔约国应寻求与这类区域协定的各缔约国合作,以制订其他有关公约的缔约国所应遵守的协调程序。特别应注意在监测和科学研究方面的协作。

第九条 本公约各缔约国应通过该“机构”内以及其他国际团体内的协作,促进对在下列方面要求帮助的缔约国的支持:





第十条 依照一国内倾倒废物和其他各种物质而损害他国环境或任何其他区域的环境而承担责任的国际法原则,各缔约国应着手制订确定责任和解决因倾倒引起的争端的程序。

第十一条 各缔约国应在其第一次协商会议上考虑解决有关因解释及适用本公约引起的争端的程序。

第十二条 各缔约国保证,在各主管专门机构及其他国际团体内,促进为保护海洋环境免受下列物质污染而采取措施:








第十三条 本公约不影响依照联合国大会第2750(XXV)号决议召开的联合国海洋法会议对海洋法的编纂和发展,也不影响任何国家现在或将来关于海洋法和沿岸国管辖权及船旗国管辖权的性质和范围的主张及法律观点。各缔约国同意在海洋法会议后,无论如何不迟于1976年,由该“机构”召开会议进行协商,以便确定沿岸国在邻接其海岸的区域中适用本公约的权利和责任的性质和范围。

第十四条 (一)在本公约生效后3个月内,作为公约保存国的大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府应召集一次缔约国会议,以决定有关组织事项。
















第十五条 (一)1.在按第十四条规定召开的缔约国会议上,可以由到会的2/3多数通过对本公约的修正案。修正案在2/3的缔约国向该“机构”交存接受证书后第60天起对接受该修正案的缔约国生效。此后,该修正案在其他任何缔约国交存接受修正案的证书后第30天起,对该缔约国生效。





第十六条 本公约自1972年12月29日至1973年12月31日在伦敦、墨西哥城、莫斯科和华盛顿对所有国家开放签字。

第十七条 本公约须经批准。批准书应交墨西哥、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国政府保存。

第十八条 1973年12月31日后,本公约应向所有其他国家开放加入。加入书应交墨西哥、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国政府保存。

第十九条 (一)本公约应自第15份批准书或加入书交存后第30天生效。


第二十条 保存国应通知各缔约国:



第二十一条 任何缔约国可以在书面通知一保存国后6个月退出本公约,该保存国应立即将这类通知告知所有缔约国。

第二十二条 本公约应交墨西哥、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国政府保存,其英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文本具有同等效力。保存国应将经认证无误的副本分送所有国家。

















附 录*

注:* 本附录作为一个修正案于1978年第3次缔约国协商会议与附件一第(十)款一起通过。此修正案于1979年3月11日生效。



第一条 定义




第二条 适用









第三条 焚烧系统的批准和检查













第四条 需特别研究的废物





第五条 操作要求










第六条 记录装置和记录









第七条 对焚烧废物性质的控制


第八条 焚烧场地






第九条 通知





















(六)尽管是无毒性的物质,也可以因倾倒量过大而变得有害,或是易于严重损害娱乐设施的物质。**注:** 此附加款作为一个修正案于1980年召开的第五次缔约国协商会议通过。此修正案于1981年3月11日生效。




























Whole document

The Contracting Parties to this Convention,

Recognizing that the marine environment and the living organisms which

it supports are of vital importance to humanity, and all people have an

interest in assuring that it is so managed that its quality and resources

are not impaired;

Recognizing that the capacity of the sea to assimilate wastes and

render them harmless, and its ability to regenerate natural resources, is

not unlimited;

Recognizing that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the

United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign

right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental

policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their

jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other

States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;

Recalling Resolution 2749 (XXV) of the General Assembly of the United

Nations on the principles governing the sea-bed and the ocean floor and

the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;

Noting that marine pollution originates in many sources, such as

dumping and discharges through the atmosphere, rivers, estuaries, outfalls

and pipelines, and that it is important that States use the best

practicable means to prevent such pollution and develop products and

processes which will reduce the amount of harmful wastes to be disposed


Being convinced that international action to control the pollution of

the sea by dumping can and must be taken without delay but that this

action should not preclude discussion of measures to control other sources

of marine pollution as soon as possible; and

Wishing to improve protection of the marine environment by encouraging

States with a common interest in particular geographical areas to enter

into appropriate agreements supplementary to this Convention;

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

Contracting Parties shall individually and collectively promote the

effective control of all sources of pollution of the marine environment,

and pledge themselves especially to take all practicable steps to prevent

the pollution of the sea by the dumping of waste and other matter that is

liable to create hazards to human health, to harm living resources and

marine life, to damage amenities or to interfere with other legitimate

uses of the sea.

Article II

Contracting Parties shall, as provided for in the following Articles,

take effective measures individually, according to their scientific,

technical and economic capabilities, and collectively, to prevent marine

pollution caused by dumping and shall harmonize their policies in this


Article III

For the purposes of this Convention:

1. (a) "Dumping" means:

(i) any deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other matter

from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea;

(ii) any deliberate disposal at sea of vessels, aircraft,

platforms or other man-made structures at sea.

(b) "Dumping" does not include:

(i) the disposal at sea of wastes or other matter incidental

to, or derived from the normal operations of vessels, aircraft, platforms,

or other man-made structures at sea and their equipment, other than wastes

or other matter transported by or to vessels, aircraft, platforms or

other man-made structures at sea, operating for the purpose of disposal of

such matter or derived from the treatment of such wastes or other matter

on such vessels, aircraft, platforms or structures;

(ii) placement of matter for a purpose other than the mere

disposal thereof, provided that such placement is not contrary to the aims

of this Convention.

(c) The disposal of wastes or other matter directly arising from,

or related to the exploration, exploitation and associated off-shore

processing of sea-bed mineral resources will not be covered by the

provisions of this Convention.

2. "Vessels and aircraft" means waterborne or airborne craft of any

type whatsoever. This expression includes air cushioned craft and floating

craft, whether self-propelled or not.

3. "Sea" means all marine waters other than the internal waters of


4. "Wastes or other matter" means material and substance of any kind,

from or description.

5. "Special permit" means permission granted specifically on

application in advance and accordance with Annex II and Annex III.

6. "General permit" means permission granted in advance and in

accordance with Annex III.

7. "The Organization" means the Organization designated by the

Contracting Parties in accordance with Article XIV (2).

Article IV

1. In accordance with the provisions of this Convention Contracting

Parties shall prohibit the dumping of any wastes or other matter in

whatever form or condition except as otherwise specified below:

(a) the dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I is


(b) the dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex II

requires a prior special permit;

(c) the dumping of all other wastes or matter requires a prior

general permit.

2. Any permit shall be issued only after careful consideration of all

the factors set forth in Annex III, including prior studies of the

characteristics of the dumping site, as set forth in Sections B and C of

that Annex.

3. No provision of this Convention is to be interpreted as preventing

a Contracting Party from prohibiting, insofar as that Party is concerned,

the dumping of wastes or other matter not mentioned in Annex I. That Party

shall notify such measures to the Organization.

Article V

1. The provisions of Article IV shall not apply when it is necessary

to secure the safety of human life or of vessels, aircraft, platforms or

other man-made structures at sea in cases of force majeure caused by

stress of weather, or in any case which constitutes a danger to human life

or a real threat to vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made

structures at sea, if dumping appears to be the only way of averting the

threat and if there is every probability that the damage consequent upon

such dumping will be less than would otherwise occur. Such dumping shall

be so conducted as to minimize the likelihood of damage to human or marine

life and shall be reported forthwith to the Organization.

2. A Contracting Party may issue a special permit as an exception to

Article IV (1) (a), in emergencies, posing unacceptable risk relating to

human health and admitting no other feasible solution. Before doing so the

Party shall consult any other country or countries that are likely to be

affected and the Organization which, after consulting other Parties, and

international organizations as appropriate, shall, in accordance with

Article XIV promptly recommend to the Party the most appropriate

procedures to adopt. The Party shall follow these recommendations to the

maximum extent feasible consistent with the time within which action must

be taken and with the general obligation to avoid damage to the marine

environment and shall inform the Organization of the action it takes. The

Parties pledge themselves to assist one another in such situations.

3. Any Contracting Party may waive its rights under paragraph (2) at

the time of, or subsequent to ratification of, or accession to this


Article VI

1. Each Contracting Party shall designate an appropriate authority or

authorities to:

(a) issue special permits which shall be required prior to, and

for, the dumping of matter listed in Annex II and in the circumstances

provided for in Article V (2);

(b) issue general permits which shall be required prior to, and

for, the dumping of all other matter;

(c) keep records of the nature and quantities of all matter

permitted to be dumped and the location, time and method of dumping;

(d) monitor individually, or in collaboration with other Parties

and competent international organizations, the condition of the seas for

the purposes of this Convention.

2. The appropriate authority or authorities of a Contracting Party

shall issue prior special or general permits in accordance with paragraph

(1) in respect of matter intended for dumping:

(a) loaded in its territory;

(b) loaded by a vessel or aircraft registered in its territory or

flying its flag, when the loading occurs in the territory of a State not

party to this Convention.

3. In issuing permits under sub-paragraphs (1) (a) and (b) above, the

appropriate authority or authorities shall comply with Annex III, together

with such additional criteria, measures and requirements as they may

consider relevant.

4. Each Contracting Party, directly or through a Secretariat

established under a regional agreement, shall report to the Organization,

and where appropriate to other Parties, the information specified in

sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph (1) above, and the criteria,

measures and requirements it adopts in accordance with paragraph (3)

above. The procedure to be followed and the nature of such reports shall

be agreed by the Parties in consultation.

Article VII

1. Each Contracting Party shall apply the measures required to

implement the present Convention to all;

(a) vessels and aircraft registered in its territory or flying its


(b) vessels and aircraft loading in its territory or territorial

seas matter which is to be dumped;

(c) vessels and aircraft and fixed or floating platforms under its

jurisdiction believed to be engaged in dumping.

2. Each Party shall take in its territory appropriate measures to

prevent and punish conduct in contravention of the provisions of this


3. The Parties agree to co-operate in the development of procedures

for the effective application of this Convention particularly on the high

seas, including procedures for the reporting of vessels and aircraft

observed dumping in contravention of the Convention.

4. this Convention shall not apply to those vessels and aircraft

entitled to sovereign immunity under international law. However, each

Party shall ensure by the adoption of appropriate measures that such

vessels and aircraft owned or operated by it act in a manner consistent

with the object and purpose of this Convention, and shall inform the

Organization accordingly.

5. Nothing in this Convention shall affect the right of each Party to

adopt other measures, in accordance with the principles of international

law, to prevent dumping at sea.

Article VIII

In order to further the objectives of this Convention, the Contracting

Parties with common interests to protect in the marine environment in a

given geographical area shall endeavour, taking into account

characteristic regional features, to enter into regional agreements

consistent with this Convention for the prevention of pollution,

especially by dumping. The Contracting Parties to the present Convention

shall endeavour to act consistently with the objectives and provisions of

such regional agreements, which shall be notified to them by the

Organization. Contracting parties shall seek to co-operate with the

Parties to regional agreements in order to develop harmonized procedures

to be followed by Contracting Parties to the different conventions

concerned. Special attention shall be given to co-operation in the field

of monitoring and scientific research.

Article IX

The Contracting Parties shall promote, through collaboration within

the Organization and other international bodies, support for those Parties

which request it for:

(a) the training of scientific and technical personnel;

(b) the supply of necessary equipment and facilities for research

and monitoring;

(c) the disposal and treatment of waste and other measures to

prevent or mitigate pollution caused by dumping;

preferably within the countries concerned, so furthering the aims and

purposes of this Convention.

Article X

In accordance with the principles of international law regarding State

responsibility for damage to the environment of other States or to any

other area of the environment, caused by dumping of wastes and other

matter of all kinds, the Contracting Parties undertake to develop

procedures for the assessment of liability and the settlement of disputes

regarding dumping.

Article XI *

[* See amendments adopted on October 12, 1978 reproduced after the

text of the Convention.]

The Contracting Parties shall at their first consultative meeting

consider procedures for the settlement of disputes concerning the

interpretation and application of this Convention.

Article XII

The Contracting Parties pledge themselves to promote, within the

competent specialized agencies and other international bodies, measures to

protect the marine environment against pollution caused by:

(a) hydrocarbons, including oil, and their wastes;

(b) other noxious or hazardous matter transported by vessels for

purposes other than dumping;

(c) wastes generated in the course of operation of vessels,

aircraft, platforms and other man-made structures at sea;

(d) radio-active pollutants from all sources, including vessels;

(e) agents of chemical and biological warfare;

(f) wastes or other matter directly arising from, or related to

the exploration, exploitation and associated off-shore processing of

sea-bed mineral resources.

The Parties will also promote, within the appropriate international

organization, the codification of signals to be used by vessels engaged in


Article XIII

Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice the codification and

development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the

Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750C (XXV) of the General

Assembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims and legal

views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent

of coastal and flag State jurisdiction. The Contracting Parties agree to

consult at a meeting to be convened by the Organization after the Law of

the Sea Conference, and in any case not later than 1976, with a view to

defining the nature and extent of the right and the responsibility of a

coastal State to apply the Convention in a zone adjacent to its coast.

Article XIV

1. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland as a depositary shall call a meeting of the Contracting Parties

not later than three months after the entry into force of this Convention

to decide on organizational matters.

2. The Contracting Parties shall designate a competent Organization

existing at the time of that meeting to be responsible for Secretariat

duties in relation to this Convention. Any Party to this Convention not

being a member of this Organization shall make an appropriate contribution

to the expenses incurred by the Organization in performing these duties.

3. The Secretariat duties of the Organization shall include:

(a) the convening of consultative meetings of the Contracting

Parties not less frequently than once every two years and of special

meetings of the Parties at any time on the request of two-thirds of the


(b) preparing and assisting, in consultation with the Contracting

Parties and appropriate International Organizations, in the development

and implementation of procedures referred to in sub-paragraph (4) (e) of

this Article;

(c) considering enquiries by, and information from the Contracting

Parties, consulting with them and with the appropriate International

Organizations, and providing recommendations to the Parties on questions

related to, but not specifically covered by the Convention;

(d) conveying to the Parties concerned all notifications received

by the Organization in accordance with Articles IV (3), V (1) and (2), VI

(4), XV, XX and XXI.

Prior to the designation of the Organization these functions shall, as

necessary, be performed by the depositary, who for this purpose shall be

the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern


4. Consultative or special meetings of the Contracting Parties shall

keep under continuing review the implementation of this Convention and

may, inter alias:




