





第Ⅰ条 协定的一般义务


第Ⅱ条 适用范围




第Ⅲ条 情报的送交





第Ⅳ条 以前的公约、协定和协议



第Ⅴ条 签字、接受和加入






第Ⅵ条 生效




第Ⅶ条 修正









第Ⅷ条 退出




第Ⅸ条 领土






第Ⅹ条 交存和登记



第Ⅺ条 文字



* 略去签字部分。


附件 1971年特种业务客船规则

第Ⅰ章 总则

第1条 名称


第2条 定义









东面以东经141°03′子午线为界,从南纬11°至新几内亚南岸,再沿新几内亚南岸、西北岸至东经141°03′一点,然后从新几内亚北岸东经141°03′一点沿恒向线至民答那峨(Min-danao)东北海岸北纬10°一点,再沿莱特Leyte)、萨马(Samar)和吕宋三岛西岸至吕宋岛的苏尔港(Port Sual),然后自苏尔港沿恒向线至香港;
















第3条 适用范围


第4条 免除


第5条 签发证书




第6条 证书的贴示


第7条 证书的接受


第8条 证书附件



第9条 权利


第Ⅱ章 构造

第10条 适用范围




第11条 免除





第12条 隔舱的许可长度




Cs =72----------

V+P1 -P

其中:Cs =业务衡准数;

M =公约第Ⅱ章第2条定义所指机器处所的容积;加上位于内底以上机器处所以前或以后的任何固定燃油舱的容积;

V =船舶限界线以下的总容积;

P =公约第Ⅱ章第2条定义所指限界线以下旅客处所的总容积;

P1 =P+0.0373LN+2.13A(立方米 ),或

P1 =P+0.4LN+7A(立方英尺 )。

其中A=测定限界线以上搭载特种业务旅客人数的各处所的总面积(平方米 或平方英尺 ),其中包

括任何备有八个铺位以上的隔舱的面积(平方米 或平方英尺 )。厨房、食堂、厕所、洗脸室、行李及储存室、盥洗室、医务室和甲板间旅客透换空气的处所不包括在内:




本款(iii)项的规定,亦适用于任何长度的船舶,如其核准载客总数不超过平方L /117(L以m计)或平方L /1260(L以ft计),或280人,视何者为小而定,其中有铺位旅客应不超过平方L /650(L以m计)或平方L /7000(L以ft计),或50人,视何者为小而定。



第13条 分舱载重线


所勘定和标志的分舱载重线应记载于特种业务客船安全证书内,并以D1 表示主要载客情况,及D2 、D3 等分别表示其搭客载货交替情况。



第14条 机电设备及防火、探火与灭火













第Ⅲ章 救生设备等

第15条 适用范围




第16条 免除





第17条 救生艇、救生筏和救生浮具

















第18条 救生艇、救生筏及救生浮具的存放和操作





第Ⅳ章 危险货物运输

第19条 一般规定


第Ⅴ章 国际卫生条例

第20条 适用范围




附录Ⅱ 特种业务客船安全证书(格式)

(公章) (国名)

国 际 航 行





| | | | |按公约第Ⅲ章第27条 | |

| | 船 舶 编 号 | | | |安放龙骨日期 |

|船 名| | 船籍港 | 总吨位 |(c)款(vii)项特准航程| |

| | 或 呼 号 | | | |(见以下附注)|

| | | | |的详细说明 | |


| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


(政府名) 政府


签名人 (姓名)

Ⅰ 上述船舶业经依照《1971年特种业务客船协定》所附规则进行了相应的检验。

Ⅱ 检验证明此船在运送特种业务旅客且船上总人数(包括船员和旅客)不超__时,符合上述规则的下列要求:




|勘定并标示于船舶中部两舷的分舱载 | |适用于当载客处所系包括下列可供|

|重线(1971年特种业务客船协定第13|干 舷| |

|条) | |更替载客或载货的处所 |


| D.1 | … | … |

| D.2 | … | … |

| D.3 | … | … |













19 年 月 日 发于___。




签名人声明,本人系由上述政府授权发给本证书。 (签名)




Whole document

The Governments parties to the present Agreement;

BEING Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the

Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, and thereby having undertaken to give effect

to the provisions of the Convention;

CONSIDERING that the requirements of Chapters II and III of the said

Convention could be modified in the case of passenger ships registered in

their countries and engaged in the carriage of large numbers of unberthed

passengers in special trades;

RECOGNIZING that Regulation 1 (e) of Chapter II and Regulation 3 (b)

of Chapter III of the said Convention provide as a condition for exemption

from the requirements of those Chapters that steps shall be taken to

formulate general rules which shall be applicable to the particular

circumstances of these trades;

DESIRING, in pursuance of the said Regulations, to formulate such

general rules prescribing the minimum safety standards which shall be made

applicable to the particular circumstances of these trades;

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article I General Obligations under the Agreement

The Governments parties to the present Agreement undertake to give

effect to the provisions of the present Agreement and of the Rules annexed

hereto which shall constitute an integral part of the present Agreement.

Every reference to the present Agreement constitutes at the same time a

reference to the Annex.

Article II Application

(a) The ships to which the present Agreement applies are passenger

ships engaged in the special trades and registered in countries the

Governments of which are Contracting Governments to the International

Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as

"the Convention") and parties to the present Agreement and ships

registered in territories to which application of the Convention has been

extended under Article XIII thereof and application of the present

Agreement has been extended under Article IX hereof.

(b) Such ships shall comply with the requirements of the Convention as

applicable to passenger ships, subject to such modifications and additions

thereto as are set out in the Rules annexed to the present Agreement.

(c) The application to such ships of any revision or amendment of the

Convention shall be considered by the Governments parties to the present

Agreement and directly interested in the special trades and those

Governments shall proceed, if necessary, with the amendment of the present

Agreement in accordance with its Article VII.

Article III Communication of Information

The Governments parties to the present Agreement undertake to

communicate and deposit with the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative

Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization"):

(a) the text of laws, decrees, orders, regulations and other

instruments which shall have been promulgated on the various matters

within the scope of the present Agreement;

(b) a sufficient number of specimens of their certificate issued under

the provisions of the present Agreement for circulation to the Governments

parties to the present Agreement and also to Contracting Governments to

the Convention; and

(c) a list of non-governmental agencies which are authorized to act in

their behalf in the administration of measures under the present Agreement

for circulation to Governments parties to the present Agreement and also

to Contracting Governments to the Convention.

Article IV Prior Conventions, Agreements and Arrangements

(a) The present Agreement constitutes the general rules applicable to

the particular circumstances of the special trades envisaged in

sub-paragraph (e) (ii) of Regulation 1 of Chapter II and in sub-paragraph

(b) (iv) of Regulation 3 of Chapter III of the Convention.

(b) As between the Governments parties to it, the present Agreement

replaces and abrogates the Simla Rules, 1931.

Article V Signature, Acceptance and Accession

(a) The present Agreement shall remain open for signature for three

months from this day's date and shall thereafter remain open for

accession. Contracting Governments to the Convention may become parties to

the Agreement by:

(i) signature without reservation as to acceptance;

(ii) signature subject to acceptance followed by acceptance; or

(iii) accession.

(b) Acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an

instrument of acceptance or accession with the Organization which shall

inform all other Governments that have signed the present Agreement or

acceded to it and Contracting Governments to the Convention of each

acceptance or accession deposited and the date of its deposit.

Article VI Entry into Force

(a) The present Agreement shall enter into force six months after the

date on which three Contracting Governments to the Convention have signed

the present Agreement without reservation as to acceptance or deposited

instruments of acceptance or accession with the Organization in accordance

with Article V hereof; provided that at least two of such Governments

shall be Governments of States in whose territory are registered ships

engaged in the special trades or whose nationals are carried in ships

engaged in these trades.

(b) The Organization shall inform the Governments which have signed

without reservation or accepted or acceded to the present Agreement and

also Contracting Governments to the Convention of the date on which it

enters into force.

(c) For Governments which have deposited an instrument of acceptance

or accession during the six months mentioned in paragraph (a) of this

Article or after the date on which the present Agreement enters into force

the acceptance or accession shall take effect on the entry into force of

the Agreement or three months after the date of deposit whichever is the

later date.

Article VII Amendments

(a) Amendment by Unanimous Agreement:

(i) The present Agreement may be amended by unanimous agreement

between the Governments parties to it.

(ii) Upon the request of any Government party to the present

Agreement, a proposed amendment shall be communicated by the Organization

to all the Governments parties to the present Agreement for their

consideration and acceptance.

(iii) Any such amendment shall enter into force six months after the

date of its acceptance by all Governments parties to the present

Agreement. A Government party to the present Agreement which does not

communicate its acceptance or rejection of the amendment to the

Organization within twelve months from the date of its communication by

the latter under sub-paragraph (ii) of this paragraph shall be deemed to

have accepted the amendment.

(b) Amendment by Conference:

(i) Upon the request of a Government party to the present Agreement,

concurred in by at least one-third of the Governments parties to the

present Agreement, a conference of such Governments shall be convened by

the Organization to consider amendments to the present Agreement.

(ii) Every amendment adopted by such a conference by a two-thirds

majority of the Governments parties to the present Agreement present and

voting shall be communicated by the Organization to all Governments

parties to the present Agreement for their acceptance.

(iii) Any amendment communicated to Governments parties to the present

Agreement under sub-paragraph (ii) of this paragraph shall come into force

for all Governments parties to the present Agreement, except those which

before it comes into force make a declaration that they do not accept the

amendment, twelve months after the date on which the amendment is accepted

by two-thirds of the Governments parties to the present Agreement.

Article VIII Denunciation

(a) The present Agreement may be denounced by any Government party to

it at any time after the expiry of five years from the date on which the

Agreement enters into force for that Government.

(b) Denunciation shall be effected by deposit of an instrument with

the Organization which shall inform all other Governments parties to the

present Agreement of any denunciation received and of the date of its


(c) A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period

as may be specified in the instrument, after its receipt by the


Article IX Territories

(a) (i) The United Nations in cases where they are the administering

authority for a territory, or any Contracting Government to the

Convention responsible for the international relations of a territory,

shall as soon as possible consult with such territory in an endeavour to

extend the present Agreement to that territory and may at any time, by

notification in writing given to the Organization, declare that the

present Agreement shall extend to such territory.

(ii) The present Agreement shall, from the date of receipt of the

notification or from such other date as may be specified in the

notification, extend to the territory named in the notification.

(b) (i) The United Nations, or any Contracting Government to the

Convention which has made a declaration under paragraph (a) of this

Article at any time after the expiry of a period of five years from the

date on which the present Agreement has been extended to any territory,

may, by notification in writing given to the Organization, declare that

the present Agreement shall cease to extend to any such territory named in

the notification.

(ii) The present Agreement shall cease to extend to any territory

named in such notification one year, or such longer period as may be

specified in the notification, after the date of receipt of the

notification by the Organization.

(c) The Organization shall inform all Governments parties to the

present Agreement and Contracting Governments to the Convention of the

extension of the present Agreement to any territories under paragraph (a)

of this Article and of the termination of such extension under the

provisions of paragraph (b), stating in each case the date from which the

present Agreement has been or will cease to be so extended.

Article X Deposit and Registration

(a) The present Agreement shall be deposited in the archives of the

Organization and the Secretary-General of the Organization shall transmit

certified true copies thereof to all Signatory Governments and to all

other Governments which accede to the present Agreement.

(b) As soon as the present Agreement enters into force it shall be

registered by the Organization in accordance with Article 102 of the

Charter of the United Nations.

Article XI Languages

The present Agreement is established in a single copy in the English

and French languages, both texts being equally authentic. Official

translations in the Russian and Spanish languages shall be prepared and

deposited with the signed original.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized by their

respective Governments for that purpose have signed the present Agreement.




